Who knew that home workouts on zoom would become so popular and STAY popular over the last year? I know that home workouts have always been a thing. Beachbody, Les Mills, Peloton and so many other companies have been successful in creating home gyms for years. But there is just something more intimate and more special about joining a zoom with an instructor you know and a group of women that you connect with. It’s been an absolute pleasure.
And, if you missed my previous blog posts about bringing your health home, be sure to check them out here and here to learn more about how workout in your own space successfully.
While most programs do have a modifier on screen, you are able to choose which moves to follow to personalize each block of work to YOUR ability. However, in the case that you are working out with an instructor like myself, it may be hard to determine how to make the moves move with you. That’s where my demonstrations, my tutorial videos, and visuals come into play.
Just a few months back, I created this first visual for my clients to help them determine if their movement would be considered basic exercise, intentional workouts, or full on training. This visual itself helped motivate some to step up their exercise routines to becoming a full on workout objectives. But now that we have identified our workouts, we should talk about how to tailor the workout to YOU even with a dozen or so others on screen.

In your routine, you need to be able to go out full force with 100% effort in some moves, and maybe slow down and modify some others. You don’t have to modify an entire workout, but it is okay to modify the moves that aren’t working for you.
Speaking of modifying – modifying isn’t meant to make it easier. It’s meant to make it work for you. Plus, some times modifying is adding challenge in order to accelerate calorie burn and maximize your time.
Many trainers will tell you that you should workout for longer periods of time, and more often. Gym rats may tell you that you should spend 30+ minutes just in the cardio room, 30+ in the lifting area. Some may say you need HOURS in the gym. In my humble opinion, I disagree. I believe that you can MAXIMIZE your success in less amount of time if you follow a few differnet strategies:

Now, if you are looking to maximize your calorie burn in less amount of time, be sure to follow the “increase your intensity” column. If you are looking to take it easy on your body in order to make it the full session, be sure to follow the “decrease your intensity” column.
If you have never followed one of my zoom workouts or recordings, I invite you to try one. Know that I do not have a modifier on screen with me. But if you use the strategies listed above and the methods I teach, you will leave with an excellent session challenging your mobility, balance, and strength.