Am I the only the that looks at the number “2020” and sees multiple ways you could make the infinity sign? Every time I think about 2020, I feel like it’s going to be the year of infinite opportunities and chances to just LIVE.
I took a million chances in 2019: career, certifications in nutrition, more credentials in fitness, expanding my fitness instruction schedule, and more. I saw growth in my business that I didn’t expect. 2020 is MY year to reep the benefits of all that growth, bring life to bigger dreams, and just keep progressing.
That being said, I have decided on my “big races” for 2020 and my race goals. I mean, goals are always progressing and changing, but these are the base line foundation of what I’d like to accomplish:
March 2020: Canyonlands Half Marathon in Utah – 13.1 miles. I’d LOVE to PR this race, putting me at a 2:02 half time. I’d really LOVE to run a sub 2.
June 2020: Steamboat Full Marathon – 26.2 miles. I’d LOVE to PR this full, putting me at a 4:33 marathon time. I’d LOVE a sub 4:30.
July 2020: Grand Island 50k In Michigan – 31 miles. This is essentially my exciting race of the year. The traveling to get from small mountain town Colorado to remote island in Lake Superior is an experience in itself. With a 50k cut off time of 7.5 hours, that would put me at my PR for a 50k. My previous 50k times are 8 hours.
On a side note of Grand Island – I am from Michigan and I have a huge spot in my heart for the Upper Penisula and Lake Superior. I actually ran my first full marathon along Lake Superior, and recently went back to Mackinac Island to run the half marathon. I am really excited to get the opportunity to run an ultra on Grand Island with all day views of Lake Superior is rare. It’s not a populated island, it’s very remote, it’s wilderness. Not many people get to experience the entirety of the island. I’m stoked to enjoy every moment and every step of all 31 miles!!!
October 2020: Madness in Moab 24 hour event. While I’ve been terrified of the 50 mile distance and horrific cut off times, I decided to go for a 24 hour event. I thought I’d enjoy myself much more without the thought and mindset of chasing cut offs or being pulled off course. I think the 50 mile distance should take me about 16 hours, so the 24 hour event gives me plenty of time. This is a first year event and right on Halloween. So, either way it will be plenty of fun.
I am sure I will run a few small races here and there between these bigger ones. But, this half to full to 50k to 50 mile is my overall line up. I will be loving every bit from desert to mountains to lake and back to desert.